The U.S. Census reported that the #1 people move is because of noise. Not crime, not climate.... noise. After living there thirty years, a member of my family recently moved from his once-quiet, middle class neighborhood because the police were unwilling to enforce the noise law and stop the obnoxious boom cars. Along with that element came drugs and crime. Where once proud homeowners kept neat lawns and watched their kids ride their bikes is now a decaying, crime-infested neighborhood with abandoned houses that nobody wants.
The city's fines for noise infractions are ridiculously low and some of the thugs with boom cars actually laminate their citations and hang them from their rear view mirror. Obviously, there is no deterrant and the paltry fines make it economically unfeasible to enforce this law. This is typical of most cities and states, but not all ( If our elected officials would stop rearranging chairs on the Titanic, and realize the socio-economic ramifications of lax noise law enforcement, they could stop these contemptuous, inconsiderate morons who are ruining neighborhoods, whole sections of cities, and even whole towns.
Respectable, hard-working tax payers should complain, but they are either afraid of retribution or feel it won't do any good. They are correct that it won't do any good to complain to the police. The police are told what to do by the city council and mayor, so that's where the complaints must be lodged. As far as most law enforcement is concerned, noise is a non issue. They can't be expected to realize what is happening, but our elected "leaders" should. When tax paying citizens flee an area because of noise, that tax base is gone for good. Those people ain't coming back and neither is their tax revenue. In their place we get more of the ignorant, obnoxious thugs who's only achievments are making noise and selling drugs.
It's happening all over America, and probably in your town too. Do you hear those boom cars playing their vulgar rap music that invades your privacy, and offends your sense of values? Do you hear the semis and Harleys with straight pipes that rattle your windows? Do you hear the rednecks with burned out Flowmaster mufflers, 4" tail pipes and deer hunting decals all over the back window? Well, if you don't hear them, consider yourself fortunate. For the rest of us, it's becoming all too familiar. The only people who like this noise are the ones making it, and the "wannabes" who will follow their lead, knowing they can thumb their nose at our laws. Is this the element of our society you want to be in control? Well, wake up because their numbers are growing rapidly.
If you don't complain, it will only get worse. Call your city councilperson, mayor or police chief. Write your state legislators a letter telling them we've had enough. We want the noise laws strengthened and ENFORCED!
Friday, August 03, 2007
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Kudos to your entire blog--and this entry in particular! It's time that the powers-that-be wake up and smell the coffee while they can still hear it perk!
I'm a non-smoker, and I appreciate smoke-free restaurants, etc.
Yet, I still wonder about the legislation that can come into a private business and INSIST that it become smoke-free when said business has patrons who enjoy smoking during a meal.
I wonder about it even more when it comes to how they just can't seem to reinforce laws about noise.
I mean that most people visiting a particular restaurant are familiar with--and like--the smoking policies.
That is, people who either don't mind smoke or else are actually smokers will go to restaurants that don't give a smoke-free environment. People who either can't or prefer not to be around smoke will go to restaurants that are smoke-free.
Regulations within a restaurant re: smoking are nothing more than nanny laws.
Now, out there where all of that racket is going on, there are people who probably looooooove it!
However, I would guess that there are probably more people wishing that it would stop.
So, why isn't law-enforcement being used to regulate the imposition of noise-pollution on the general public and is, instead, being used to slap fines on restaurants that don't have a non-smoking policy?
These boom-cars, unmuffled vehicles, and other noisy impositions of today's society are, imo, equivalent of somebody smoking a stinky cigar walking into a smoke-free restaurant and going around blowing smoke in customers' faces.
Look up my Virtual Homemaker blog. I have a guestbook, so let's make contact there and keep in touch!
Write On!
AJ :-)
The jest of the non-enforcement of high noise levels is either the police are lazy, untrained, directed by a higher authority, feeling sorry for the perp if he is fined or just trying to be a nice guy. They could also be on the take. When the perp is not cited or stopped, it is a whole hearted slap in the face to the complaintent and only reinforces the perps feeling that they have the right to ruin the neighborhood as all that will happen is you "will be talked to". After putting up with 2.5 years of this, seeing the Chief and City Administrator, I filled out a report, copied both and asked that the problem be stopped in the 14 days as stated in the ordinance or I would be forced by their non-enforcement, to contact the States Attorney to investigate the possibility of the authorities violating my rights under "Color of Law". The FBI also investigates violations under the "Color of Law" when your are "not protected from harm" as it is their duty to do.
In my situation, 1 of the 2 dead vehicles has been moved from the drive and is now in the garage. The third vehicle without any mufflers that was being driven many times daily, now sits in the driveway. The band that practiced 2-3 times a week at any and all hours has not been heard in over a week.
Hope this help others out there who have found the police department is working very hard NOT to enforce the Noise Ordinances and laws.
Not illegal to add CARB accepted mufflers you dumb shit. Straight pipes are, but aftermarket mufflers aren't. Do some god damn research before you go off blowing steam at those who are just into other things than being old, mowing the lawn, and acting like grumpy grandpa.
Randomjr said...
"Not illegal to add CARB accepted mufflers you dumb shit. Straight pipes are, but aftermarket mufflers aren't. Do some god damn research before you go off blowing steam at those who are just into other things than being old, mowing the lawn, and acting like grumpy grandpa."
Reply to posters like this. Besides being rude, you need to check your facts.
It is not illegal to add CARB accepted mufflers (as you stated) but the noise level (according to the EPA) must not exceed that originally designed for the vehicle. On motorcycles, the Label must match the approved type for the cycle it is being used on.
A 5.0 liter Mustang without any mufflers is illegal. The 5.0 liter mustang comes stock with 2 catalytics and 2 mufflers. A reamed out cat and 2 straight pipes is not legal, in anyone book.
When the peaceful citizens allow this urban blight to drag in their form of entertainment (i.e. Loud Pipes, Loud Boom Box Cars, Loud Garage Bands), they usually get the gang bangers and druggies, unemployable primates, poor families with a whole flock of starving noisy animals, crimes and inlaws who never leave.
I and many others who may be considered "being old, mowing the lawn, and acting like grumpy grandpa" have worked many years to have a place that we control and can enjoy, until people of poor education and skills invade and attempt to take over the area. That is why there are so many of us out there pressing the authorities to get the self indulged noisy people out of the area and off the streets. I know that jail/prison is the right place for many of these people as there, you have to put up with everyone elses noise.
I mentioned very quiet motorcycles. Others have also encountered them. As we have
observed, motorcycles can be as quiet or even quieter than cars. If it is possible to make 60dBa motorcycle mufflers than I think that should be the standard for all. Apparently there is room on motorcycles for quiet mufflers.
What ticks me off more than loud exhausts is the lack of effective and consistent enforcement. Surely by now, enough people have complained about this problem.
Do all legal motorcycle mufflers have the EPA label? Do cars have these labels as well?
Automobiles are not required to have the Label system. They only have to meet the EPA noise level.
Motorcycles are, according to the EPA required. They are suppose to be plainly visible on the outside of the pipes and cannot be covered by chromed, dress up covers (many are). A recent post stated they went to a dealer and could not find any label on any of the displayed motorcycles. I have seen a few but so many are modified or dressed uped.
Unless the EPA has changed the law within the past month, they are
still required. The term plainly visible means they are not installed at an angle or location that they cannot be seen. It is illegal to cover them up also.
Generally, the EPA set the noise level standard and the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) set the proceedures for the testing method to measure the levels. These involve a distance from the exhaust, and angle, whether the surface is hard or soft, wind is blowing, obsticles
within a certain distance, etc. The manufacturers design and build test mufflers, use the correct proceedure, pass the test and production can be run. Then a sample is taken at the factory to be sure random samples still pass the test.
That is why autos seem VERY compliant because they really make theirs to emit even lower levels of noise than the law requires, something like 60 dBA. This gives them a larger buffer before they will not be compliant. (This allows for aging and tuneup problems).
Motorcycle manufacturers have not faired as well. Whereas the cars have catalytic converters (which aid in the reduction of noise and exhaust gas pollution), motorcycles just do not have the room. They have tried to make the tuning of the carburator fixed and to match the pipes, to keep the power up and the noise down but bikers tweek the carb and change the pipes.
I have heard many motorcycles that could be run in a house and a person could sleep while they ran. About 70-80% on the road have been modified by tweeking the carb and/or changing the pipes.
A person must also remember that leaving the EPA pipes on the bike and tweeking the carb to give it
more power is only legal if the results do not increase the exhaust
noise above the EPA standard.
Kudos for a fantastic post!
Looking for Justice also NAILED it, as to the REASONS laws such as these are NOT enforced.
Hell, it's 2010, and I've been fighting this fior over SEVEN years...with little or no results.
CIty offcials (in Fort Wayne) simply don't seem to least not for an average, law-abiding citizen living in a "blighted" area of a once-nice part of town.
I posted about this today (24 March 2010), and I'm not afraid to speak the truth here.
You guys "get it".
Good post.
(even if iot WAS 3 years ago...still relevent!)
The legal limit for exhaust noie is too loud because too many inconsiderate a-holes make their vehicles noisier just because. My once tranquil neighborhood now sounds more like a construction site. Enforcement is toothless and virtually non-existant. CA allows for a complaint if sound is "clearly audible" at 50 feet. That won't do you a damn bit of good with boomer following you are passing yOU on the commute home.
One site suggested a heavy tax on sales to mitigate the detrimental effects. And f*ck the "click-it or ticket" ad campaigns. How about PSAs such as "PIPE DOWN BASS-HOLE!", "GOOD NEIGHBORS KEEP THEIR NOISE TO THEMSELVES", and "DOUCHEBAG SAYS VROOM-VROOM?"
Instead, there are numerous mfr campaigns about the whole 'in your face' mentality. Slogans such as "DISTURB THE PEACE" etc.
If I see a boomer or pipe-hole in the aftermath of a major collision, I swear I'll let him bleed out.
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